Monday, April 4, 2016

Maryland Medical Malpractice Lawyers Discuss the Controversial Birth Injury Fund

The HB 377 bill, also known as the no-fault birth injury fund, would provide financial compensation to families of babies suffering from birth-related neurological injuries. The state of Maryland has created a task force that would help establish a fund that would help ease the financial burden associated with the lifelong care these babies will need. Currently, only Florida and Virginia have passed the bill, and the debate over this issue continues in the state of Maryland. Supporters of the bill say that this fund would ensure that a mother’s access to obstetrical care is protected. In addition, it would provide an alternative to a costly, time-consuming, emotionally draining trial. One Maryland mother, whose son has cerebral palsy, said she could not imagine going through a trial at a time of so much pain and emotional trauma, especially in consideration of that fact that the trial may not result in the compensation she would need. She appreciates and relies on the disability ass

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